
ASP.NET, Console App, EF Code First Migrations

EF Code First Migrations

This project was created according to a tutorial from Treehouse.

It involved the following -

Enabling Migrations

Adding Migrations

Updating the Database

Modifying Migrations

NOTE: Here is a link to the work - LINK

ASP.NET, Web App (MVC) with Database (EF)

Entity Framework: Code First

This web application was built and added to the console app (see above) along with a class library.

Two projects share the class files via the class library.

Entity Framework 6, Connection String and Database Initializer.

LINQ statements, CRUD functionality and Dispose Method.

I completed another course on "Treehouse" for EF and Web Applications.

The Treehouse example was for comicbook but I adapted for books.

NOTE: Here is a link to the work - LINK

C# Console App with Database (EF)

Entity Framework: Code First

Entity Data Model: One-to-Many, Many-To-Many and Database Seeding.

LINQ Querys: Filtering Data, Eager Loading, Navigation Properties.

Other: Context Class, Entities, Database Connection Strings, Data Annotations, SQL Queries, etc.

I completed a 4-hour course on "Treehouse" for EF and Console Apps.

The Treehouse example was for comicbook but I adapted for books.

NOTE: Here is a link to the work - LINK